Processes and Requirements
The WeSendit system facilitates both the upload and download process through an efficient distribution and retrieval system. Participating as a node operator requires certain technical prerequisites, including a stable internet connection and sufficient storage space.
Upload The WeSendit service begins with a user uploading files via a browser or an app. These files are initially uploaded to a WeSendit MasterNode. This MasterNode is tasked with compressing the uploaded files and splitting them into ten fragments. After the compression process is completed, the MasterNode informs the Node Balancer that data is ready for transmission. The use of the Node Balancer occurs when a data transmission request is received from a MasterNode. It then begins by randomly selecting available storage spaces to distribute the data fragments. The data is stored in three copies in the Mainnet and once in the Testnet. Thus, forty storage spaces are required for ten data packets. If the data volume exceeds the storage capacity of the WeSendit Nodes, the Balancer utilizes our Web3 partner projects to store the additional data. Storage Nodes spring into action when they receive a task from the Node Balancer. They start by downloading the assigned data and storing it at specified locations. Once the download is complete, they notify the indexer about the successful data transfer. If the data transfer is not successfully reported back, the Node Balancer requests the next Storage Node. In this way, the WeSendit system ensures that all uploaded data is properly stored and indexed, with extensive redundancy contributing to data integrity and constant availability.
Download When a user wants to download data, the process begins with a request to the indexer, triggered by visiting the website. The indexer searches its index for the desired data fragments and contacts the appropriate storage nodes. The nodes with the fastest response time are selected in real-time to initiate the download for the user. During this process, the data fragments are merged into a single zip file for the user.
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